Our Objectives
1. To enable the reduction of outbreaks of violence and conflict in the United
Kingdom and around the world by providing parties with information which
may help them to understand their situations and assist them in making
informed choices about the best possible means of resolving their differences.”
2. To give students studying "Violence, Conflict and Development and those
studying similar subjects, the opportunity to present their views, share ideas
on this subject and to identify how these issues could be contained.
3. To give those affected by violence and conflict an alternative perspective in
respect to possible causes of their misfortune
4. To give students the opportunity to present their findings to the government
representatives of various countries or organisations such as the UN, who are
keen and interested in solving these issues.
5. To bring together professionals such as lecturers, professors and other
qualified members in order to share their theories and look at ways of
containing violence and conflict to reduce the impact on areas of
6. To increase the awareness of those without educational background in
'Violence, Conflict and Development'